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Shawndra Holmberg
Sep 8, 20246 min read
Top 5 Excuses for Not Writing
There is a big difference between an 'excuse' and a 'reason' or contributing factor. I think of an excuse as a lie I tell myself (or others)

Shawndra Holmberg
Oct 30, 20233 min read
Unlock Your Writing Motivation
I got stuck. I got busy. I focused on other things. The writing was shut down. My writing motivation was wandering around somewhere...

Shawndra Holmberg
Jul 31, 20233 min read
Can Your Creativity Trust You?
Your creativity is part of who you are, but asking if your creativity can trust you also sets it up as an entity you must respect and use.

Shawndra Holmberg
Mar 13, 20233 min read
Nurturing the Writer Within
What can you do today, tomorrow, later this week, or next month to nurture the writer within? Create a menu of delicious activities...

Shawndra Holmberg
Dec 31, 20224 min read
The Organized Pen: Day 6 | INTERNAL SUPPORT
What’s your cue to set up to show up? Build your habit so that writing naturally follows.

Shawndra Holmberg
Feb 6, 20223 min read
It May Not Be Procrastination
Stop assuming that you're procrastinating. Though there's no visible action, your wonderful creative mind has started the Creative Process

Shawndra Holmberg
Feb 25, 20184 min read
Struggling to achieve your goals? Check out the 5 ways to make your goals work.
Revisit your goals you set this year. Look at them now to make sure you're doing these 5 things to make them work.
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